Hi Guys, Sorry if this has been asked before ... When I run the example shell script on https://man.liquidfiles.com/api/sending_files.html I get a 404 even though I do receive the files and can download them successfully. I have written a Python script to automate the sending of large reports and also get the 404. I can just ignore the exception raised but that does not feel like the right thing to do. Any ideas?
Hi, you should list against which LF version are you trying the sending API. I was not able to reproduce it on the latest v3.1.10 when I used the send API example (JSON based file uploads method).
Okay so it seems that if I use the XML API it does work without returning a 404... When I make the content type application/json I get the 404 (text/xml does work). Interesting that I were able to upload files with a JSON request. Anyways I will continue using the XML API. Thanks!
Hi, Yes for the legacy LF v2.6.x there is supported XML format in APIs: https://man.liquidfiles.com/api/v2/ https://man.liquidfiles.com/api/v2/sending_files.html Please note that LF appliance v2.x has been end of life and and end of support since Jun 2017. So if you are developing a long term application, then it's worth to migrate the LF server to v3.1.x and develop your application with API v4 which supports JSON from scratch: https://man.liquidfiles.com/api/introduction_and_authentication.html The XML based API will be removed soon in LiquidFiles v3.2. Migration to LF v3.x details are here: https://man.liquidfiles.com/install/update_v3.html
Cool thanks for the information, I will contact our LF system owner and make sure that they are aware of the eol status. Here are the scripts I wrote as part of a reporting solution that uploads ~30MB spreadsheets daily ... https://github.com/dadecoza/liquidfiles-fileupload. The JSON version should work with the v4 API. Thanks again, Johannes le Roux
Hi, I'm having the 404 issue as well, however in my case the file is not sent nor is the notification email. My LF version is 3.1.13 but the api version is 3. Would it be best to upgrade?
If you are just start with API and you are trying to send messages then I would recommend to update to the LF v3.2.3. We have cleaned up message API urls. The API docs have been already updated for v3.2.x versions:https://man.liquidfiles.com/api/sending_files.html Please have a look at "Incompatible API changes between v3.1 and v3.2" part on the release notes page: https://man.liquidfiles.com/release_notes/version_3-2-x.html
Hello David, I am trying to send file using the API My liquidfiles admin shows version 3.2.4 My sample request is as follows curl -s -X POST $serverurl/messages --user '$api_key:x' -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{ "message": { "recipients": ["aasdf@asdf.com"], "subject": "test subject", "message": "Please let me know what you think!", "expires_at": "2018-06-30", "send_email": true, "authorization": 3, "attachments": ["asdfqqwerqwerqdfasdfasdf"] } }' But I'm getting error response. { "error": { "path_not_found": "/messages" } } I have been struggling with the send message api for the past 2 days. Could you please help. Thank you.
Thanks for info, we have fixed typo in the Send API example, my apologize inconvenience, can you please replace the "messages" with "message" in the url and the try it once again. curl -s -X POST $serverurl/message --user '$api_key:x' ........