it would be good to use an amazon s3 storage (and any compatible s3 storage) as a datastore. Is it planned?
This is not officially supported. S3 bucket can not offer the same performance as a local file system, but although technically it can work with LF. For low performance reasons I would not recommend to use S3 buckets for production servers as a LF's data storage. LF appliance is using Centos Linux so there is possible to install S3fs connector, then mount the requred S3 bucket similarly like an external NFS storage and copy LF's Data on the mounted space.
A big +1 on this, having support for S3 as a alternative storage backend would be awesome. Dirt cheap and never having to run out of space or having to add new local storage and just as good up/download performance when hosting on AWS (which we do). Can't see how performance could suffer if support was built in to Liquidfiles directly as opposed to using the fs connector?
Has anyone already tested S3 storage as a datastore in LiquidFiles? My IaaS provider offers its own high-performance S3-compatible storage. That's why I want to outsource Datastore for my LF server. Please post your experiences.
It's fully supported by Centos7 which LF appliance is using as OS so it can be configured with LF as well. The performance is poor mainly because of the overhead with s3fs is pretty high and random write operations are poor as well. To get it working with LF is not difficult, as mentioned above, it's about to install the S3fs connector and then mount the S3 bucket similarly like the NFS storage to the LF appliance.