Ubuntu version readiness and server requirements?

Discussion in 'Beta' started by Jeremy Daalder, Nov 29, 2023.

  1. Jeremy Daalder

    Jeremy Daalder New Member

    Mar 19, 2017
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    Hi Folks

    We run a simple LF setup - just one public file drop connected to a web form on our site.

    We have a simple python action script to email customers when we receive their files, and use some basic CSS styling tweaks, and we have a local script which uses the API to log on and automatically download those files to our local in-house server. Thus its really just a temporary internet file store, and we only keep files on it for a couple of weeks (in case of misadventure with the auto-download, or us being e.g. shut for Christmas), and we only use <= 50GB of room.

    Is the new BETA stable enough to move to now? I have more time at the end of the year now than I will later, so I am kind of keen to get this work out of the way is possible. From what I gather you're not messing with features but rather trying to make this as smooth as swap over as possible.

    Also - have the server requirements/recommendations changed? E.g. Centos was always very RAM hungry, I believe, but Ubuntu Server runs well on even quite small droplets. We used 4GB with centos but compared to other servers we run which work very well with just 2GB, we could save some of our ever increasing SAAS costs here, I suspect?

    We'll be deploying on Digital Ocean, so do you have a recommended droplet for a basic scenario like ours?

    Thanks for your help
  2. David

    David Administrator
    Staff Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Hi Jeremy,

    yes, the beta is stable enough to move to now. Basically have been changed "only" the underlying OS from Centos7 to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, and added support for the DUO universal prompt. New features was not added.
    So we think the migration to the new LF v4 will be in most of cases smooth.

    From our observations, the HW recommendation for LF v4 will likely remain same.
    For most of customers will be sufficient again to configure the LF v4 VM/instance with 2Cores, 2-4GB RAM and a SSD storage.

    According to the RAM, from first look it could appear the LF appliance is RAM hungry but practically the system is just utilizing the free RAM resources for ramdisks to speed up bit the system. If you added i.e. 8 GB RAM then it would be utilized mostly as well.
    Better is to monitor how much and how frequently the swap space is used. In LF v4 systems the RAM utilization behaves similarly.

    At the moment we don't have the compatible vmdk image which could be uploaded on the Digital Ocean Cloud.
    But it will work when you install first a LF VM from the beta ISO image in a Virtual box.
    The VM needs to be configured with the vmdk hardisk file type.
    The VM must be configured with the legacy (BIOS) mode.
    (LF images configured with EFI firmware do not boot in DO cloud).
    When the installation is done shut the VM down and upload the vmdk drive to DO as usually.
  3. Jeremy Daalder

    Jeremy Daalder New Member

    Mar 19, 2017
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    Ok, thanks for the info.

    I might wait for an official vmdk though as I am not sure I can be bothered installing VirtualBox just for this...VB is a bit gross a thing to install with a billion drivers etc, in my experience, so I try and avoid it.

    (Any thoughts on moving to a docker container, just by the by?)

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