Hi, I have recently upgraded to the newest version of liquid files. Great job with the swift migration procedure. I was wondering if an API to assign shared folder permission exists and has just not been documented or is it still in the development? We are trying to automate granting permissions for up to 15 shared folders with about 500 different groups, each requiring varied sets of permissions of above folders. Any advice is welcomed, Regards, Tomasz Skowron
Hi Tomasz, Thanks you like it. Nowadays there does not exist admin API for Shares. Definitely It will be announced when available in some of further versions. Cheers David
Is there a milestone for it and indication when it may be reached? in the meanwhile, is it possible to directly modify the mariadb to adjust the group membership?
We don't publish milestones or estimated dates for new releases. Share API and documentation is something that is being worked on though. There's nothing stopping you from modifying the database directly. But it is absolutely not supported and to do what you want is not a simple modification so make sure you back everything up and be prepared to reinstall the system if something goes wrong.