Enhancements to Request File feature (Add Cc:, allow multiple uploads)

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by David, Oct 8, 2016.

  1. David

    David Administrator
    Staff Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Our former file transfer product had some additional options in its Request File feature that we frequently used, and would like to see implemented in LiquidFiles: 1) There was a Cc: field in the Request File dialog that would allow the requester to specify an additional user to receive notification and permission to download the files that the recipient uploaded. For instance if I send a file request for someone to send me a signed contract, I could specify my contracts manager on the Cc: of the file request. When the customer uploads the signed contract, I would receive the file as well as my contracts manager. I currently work around this by allowing files uploaded in response to file requests to be opened by all local users, and I have the requester forward the email after it is received, but the Cc: field would be helpful here.I have also manually created several Filedrops with several users specified in the Cc: field for commonly used tasks; however it is less convenient for users to remember to send the correct Filedrop link and they have to do this outside of the regular UI. 2) There was a feature that allowed the Request File link to be used multiple times up to the expiration of the link. LiquidFiles has the expiration date, however after the link is successfully used to upload files, it no longer functions. It would be helpful to have a setting that allowed the Request File link to be used a certain number of times, or alternatively allow the link to work repeatedly until it expires. We sometimes use the request for a customer to upload files related to a project. Sometimes there are multiple batches, and its inconvenient to have to re-send the link. I am working around this by having users manually email file requests using their personal filedrop URL but it is less convenient since its not part of the UI.
  2. David

    David Administrator
    Staff Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Brian Bolander August 17, 2015 17:48
    I would also like to see this implemented. I had this option in our previous file transport system. I have had several request from end users to be able to Cc other people.

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