File download receipts incorrectly sent to global Email Sender Address

Discussion in 'LiquidFiles General' started by Mark Beaven, Dec 15, 2016.

  1. Mark Beaven

    Mark Beaven New Member

    Dec 15, 2016
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    I have the setting "Use The Email Sender Address as from address for all emails" un-ticked but file download receipts are not being sent to the user's email, they are being sent to the global email "Email Sender Address".

    Is this a setting that I have not found yet or is something broken (or is this a feature not requested yet)?

    Trial license
    LDAP user auth
    mail relay
  2. Johan

    Johan Administrator
    Staff Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    This is the correct behaviour. When things come from the sender, it's because the sender sent it. A download receipt is a function of the system where it tells you that someone has downloaded something, so it comes from the system, using the email sender address.
  3. Mark Beaven

    Mark Beaven New Member

    Dec 15, 2016
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    Thanks Johan
    I was wondering if that was the case. Perhaps this could be a feature request?
    • Tick box in configuration\email to have download notifications sent to the global Email Sender Address
    • Tick box in Secure Messages to be notified each time a file from this message is downloaded (like an email read receipt in Outlook)
    For my situation I would rather the user that initiated the file upload was sent a notification each time their file was downloaded and the system messages were limited to platform notifications (service failure, disk full, daily report etc.).
  4. Johan

    Johan Administrator
    Staff Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Users will always receive some emails from the system email address - password resets for instance.

    We're always hesitant to add check boxes but feel free to add it to the feature request forum and if it becomes a popular request we can revisit.
  5. Mark Beaven

    Mark Beaven New Member

    Dec 15, 2016
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    Yes, I don't mind users being sent emails from the generic email, it's just that I want to be choosy about what emails I receive on that address. I have set it as a distribution list so that any support requests from users will go to the wider group but for them to be notified for every activity on the platform is a bit too spammy :)

    I will add a feature request as you suggest and see where it goes. For now, I'll just put my own email address so the others on the distribution list don't harm me

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