Setting sender_aliases and recipient_aliases via SAML Attributes

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by Jacob B LeMire, Jan 30, 2025.

  1. Jacob B LeMire

    Jacob B LeMire New Member

    Jan 28, 2025
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    We would like to request support for managing the sender_aliases and recipient_aliases parameters through SAML attributes. This feature would enable automatic assignment of email aliases for users at the time of SAML authentication, ensuring seamless access to messages sent to alternate email addresses.

    The users in our organization each have a primary email address, and multiple email aliases associated with each user. Currently, when a message is sent to a users' email alias, the user cannot access it if their LiquidFiles account is registered under a different primary email.

    To work around this, we have been either manually adding user aliases to accounts on a case-by-case basis or pointing people to our public documentation explaining the process for adding these aliases themselves. However, we are still experiencing friction with this process, and we are working on building scripts using the API attempting to automate setting this parameter for all internal users. Right now, we need two scripts using the API, one to mass update the aliases for all the relevant users, and another script that needs to be ran continuously to provision the user accounts with their aliases when new users are added.

    This adds unnecessary administrative overhead testing and maintaining scripts and creates potential gaps where users might not be able to access messages sent to their aliases in real time.

    By allowing sender_aliases and recipient_aliases to be populated through SAML attributes during login, user aliases would be automatically synced from our identity provider (IdP) without manual intervention.

    We believe this feature would significantly enhance the end-user experience by eliminating access issues related to email aliases, and we would greatly appreciate consideration for future updates.

    Thanks for your consideration!
    #1 Jacob B LeMire, Jan 30, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2025

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