I submitted a ticket as well but I figured I'd see if any members had any ideas. I'm currently demoing LF and so far everything has been good up until recently when for reasons I haven't been able to track down yet the site has file share site has been running really slow. Average time between clicking a link and the page actually loading takes about 10 seconds. Admittedly before reading further on I added more RAM up to 4 gigs which didn't appear to have any affect. We have about 100 users or so but only a couple are created so far. Liquid Files 3.2.4 I'm running this on a 3 host VMware setup. Newer equip. Hybrid SSD SAN.
Id have to look back at my emails but I believe it ended up being a certain port for traffic I needed to open up on my firewall which then improved the performance immediately.
Ok, I'm testing this system since few days, in our case I checked and unchecked this "geolocation" and that (unchecked) gave us normal performance. So maybe one must either uncheck this option or open firewall
Can confirm: I had a similar issue on my installation of Liquid Files where it was slow to navigate through pages or to respond. Unchecked the "geolocation" option and performance improved dramatically.