FileDrop Testing

Discussion in 'LiquidFiles General' started by KRP, Apr 4, 2018.

  1. KRP

    KRP New Member

    Mar 24, 2018
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    I have created a custom filedrop which is working as expected but I am struggling with an easy way for the user(s) to manage items uploaded to them.
    The plan was to have 2-3 people receive email alerts of new items uploaded, the input of a custom field would make it clear who the upload was for and then they would process the attachment.

    1. Tracking what has been dealt with: There doesn't appear to be any clear way for the primary recipient or even the CC'd ones to know definitively if the item has been dealt with? One thought was to delete the attachment when it has been processed but I have noticed that only the primary recipient has that option and strangely the "Delete Attachment" is only available when you go to the Sent Items. This is strange as the user received it and didn't send it?
    2. The filedrop in in the inbox but you can only download the attachment from here, is there no way delete the attachment from your inbox?
    3. Is there not a way to identify uploads that have been processed via the inbox that would be visible to all staff on the recipient or CC list?

    Note: the global option to allow Delete Message is currently disabled.​

    What I am trying to accomplish is to provide a way for our clients to securely and easily upload confidential forms to our office. Due to the nature of the data on the form it is critical that each form is only processed one time. There will be 2-3 staff (at this point) that would need access to these uploads for redundancy or overlapping coverage so the uploads are dealt with, eg vacation, volume, etc.
  2. David

    David Administrator
    Staff Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    1) In Principle FileDrops just receive files from external clients and create secure messages with specified ownership and access rights. When a FileDrop receive files it creates a message where the owner of that message will be the local user specified in the FileDrop "Recipient" option in the FileDrop settings. This user will be set also the owner of the message and he will see this message also in his Sent box. Only the owner can delete it from the Sent box. The CC users will see that message only in their Inboxes and can't delete it.

    2) The owner of any LF message can be a single user and it's always the sender. The received, requested or dropped messages
    can be deleted only from the sender's Sent box and not from recipient user's Inbox.

    3) A message generated by a FileDrop has the name of the Filedrop in the brackets in the subject of the message, so all Filedrop's recipients will know the files arrived from that particular FileDrop. f.e. "[Some filedrop name] Subject of the message".
  3. KRP

    KRP New Member

    Mar 24, 2018
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    Thanks for the clarification David, most of that makes sense to me. From the users perspective having to go to the Sent view (Messages you have sent) to delete/manage something you received may not be intuitive to a end user. For messages you send that makes sense to me but with a FileDrop it just seems a bit odd, just my 2 cents.

    So for my scenario, it seems the best I can do is to have the "recipient" manage all received messages and delete the attachment to avoid accidentally processing it more than 1 time unless you have any other suggestions.
    The filedrop was going to be for clients to submit credit card payments which with more than one person managing the incoming files, there is a chance they could process the same form more than once.
  4. David

    David Administrator
    Staff Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    For FileDrops of course the recipient see the dropped message in his Inbox as well, so in most of cases when the user don't need to delete the files or whole message he does not need to know more.

    For usual Secure messages some LF user sent out, it's clear, these messages are in the Sent box and the user (owner) can delete the attachments/message from there.

    When the owner of a FileDrop needs to delete dropped messages before expiration then he has to know the philosophy of FileDrops that he is the owner of that dropped messages and he can manage them in his Sent box.

    I see, In this case it would be more safe if there was a single recipient who handled the dropped files and deleted them immediately when processed, to minimize risk that somebody else from CC recipients processed them in same time.
    KRP likes this.
  5. KRP

    KRP New Member

    Mar 24, 2018
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    Ok thanks for the clarification.
  6. Andrew Jacobsen

    Andrew Jacobsen New Member

    Apr 12, 2018
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    I too have users that are the sole recipient of the FileDrop and wish to have the option to delete messages once they've processed the data as to avoid confusion. Is this a set feature or is there an option in the future to enable greater message control?
  7. David

    David Administrator
    Staff Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    If you have only recipient (owner) user of a FileDrop, then it's easy. The dropped message he will see in sent box where he can delete it once he process it. If in the FileDrop are also other recipients in the "CC" box, then unfortunately these does not have "delete" control on that dropped message. Nowadays this greater control mechanism is not going to be implemented.

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