It would be great if there was integration with Outlook Web Access similar to the integration with Outlook that the Outlook plugin provides.
Comments Johan Allard LiquidFiles By far the most common request What's stopping this from happening any time soon is that Microsoft doesn't have an API for adding plugins like this to OWA. If there was, or if they do come up with something, we can surely revisit this. June 1, 2012, 11:44 Gerald Kowalsky Has this changed with the introduction of Office 365? The Hosted version of OWA includes the ability to add various plugins and these plugins once installed are also present in the (Latest Beta) Mac version of the Microsoft Outlook. April 22, 2015, 22:16 Harold +1 for Office 365 support. Apps for Outlook and plugin for eM Client would be great also. May 20, 2015, 07:38 David Macintire Looks like this may be possible now for Office365. Would be a very good enhancement. September 14, 2016, 07:02 Rotork Controls work in both On-prem and hosted (office 365) versions of exchange, both in Outlook and OWA... September 24, 2016, 02:53 David Macintire TO Rotork Controls What are you trying to say here, the link dose not take you to app that would allow Liquid File to work in OWA, or hosted exchange September 26, 2016, 22:45 Rotork Controls Sorry David, I didn't mean to say that there was a liquidfiles plugin there, just that these style 'apps' run in all 3 types of modern Outlook/Owa/Office365, and would be the type of plugin we're asking for. Now maybe Johan is right that the specific API calls for attachments uploading/replacement that they need to hook are not exposed in this architecture, but since it's been 4 years since his reply, i wanted to raise the question again, as it seems MS intended this style of 'office app' to replace the old-style of plugins (add-ins) architecture that LiquidFiles currently uses. Also there are other apps in the store there that claim to do things with attachments such as encryption or uploading via another service (syncplicity or CYRUS and Attachment Manager). If those apps work, it would seem that maybe some API calls have been rolled into recent releases that may allow Liquid files to develop such a plugin. September 27, 2016, 22:36 Johan Allard LiquidFiles If Microsoft indeed has updated their API's to enable this functionality. It is certainly something that we will be looking into for future releases. At the moment we're fully focused on releasing v3 with the new file and folder sharing feature. Realistically the next few major release are going to focus on bringing more features there. September 27, 2016, 22:56
A long time coming. We are working on this and this will be added to LiquidFiles v 4.1. There should be a beta release available soonish.
Just read the Release notes for 3.7, saw that OWA and "New" Outlook were not supported and came here to request. Glad to see it's on the roadmap and want to add my support for this feature request. Thanks!
To the 365 Outlook you connect via a web browser so this is transparent on the underlying OS. So also from Mac you can connect to the 365 Outlook where was installed the "new" LF web plugin.