Separate names with a comma.
Prefill text in required filed like f.e. subject or message is already possible via attributes in the URL of a filedrop f.e.:...
currently (v3.4.x) you can only preview several formats like pictures pdf audio video when supported by html5 in newer browsers.
You need to add that custom port in the "Public URL" box in "Admin > System > Hostname & Public URL" settings. f.e.
Please read this instructions:
Background The CentOS team has released an updated ImageMagick library that unfortunately is incompatible with LiquidFiles. This got installed in...
LF appliance with default SSO settings is configured like that, to handle the authentication from stronger method to weakest. When "Authn context"...
Nobody has asked about something similar related to eSignatures together with the LF appliance yet. Which eSignature platform do you use?...
Since LF v3.4 the notification email for uploaders can be configured by using Action script. For more details please read this how to:...
Reply functions to Secure message has been added since the LF v3.4.0
the custom port can be added behind the backup host now as f.e.
Here is an other example of a User delivery Action Script which sends a confirmation email to the FileDrops sender when their files are...
TOTP has been added before several years, since LF v3.1.0. Please ensure your LF server is above that version, optimally on the latest branch....
Hi Daniel, currently the {{}} attribute is not supported in the Share notification emails. More details which user uploaded or modified...
One client found this solution: ADFS 2016 added primary authentication methods for Intranet and Extranet. For Intranet "Forms authentication" was...
Okta supports SAML SSO which is compatible with LiquidFiles so you can use also the Okta MFA platform. Okta also has a basic doc how to configure...
yes thanks, this has been recently added, Setting the "done" flag.
Please ensure you have set that size in "Size Override" option in "Admin > Groups > Edit the required user's group > API & Outlook" settings.
Nowadays spellcheck is well handled by Web browsers. Usually you can enable it under Preferences > Language settings. Not necessary to integrated...
The email headers are not directly configurable in the LF GUI, but generally if you have worries about receiving emails then a potential Reply-to...
This is hardcoded and can't be set in the admin GUI.