Its a good think to allow users to specify permissions of download of their files. But in the administrator side, there is no much choice apart from allowing or denying these permissions. In my case i would like to have ability to remove the Anyone Download (without authentication) permission from the list but keep the three other permissions (recipients, recipient and locals, anyone with authentication). In the mean time, Is there a way to edit some files in order to remove Anyone (without authentication) option. Regards,
Comments Johan Allard LiquidFiles It's not possble to edit some files to remove configuration from the Filetransfer appliance. If you want to limit this, you will have to specify which one is the default and set it so that users can't change permissions. July 10, 2012, 08:39 Johan Allard LiquidFiles This feature was added in version 2.3. May 15, 2013, 07:44