Adding a CAPTCHA field to Dropboxes (for example, reCAPTCHA would prevent spamming via Dropbox pages.
David Yoder May 20, 2011 17:25 The use of a CAPTCHA field should be able to be controlled by the Administrator of the device and/or at the DropBox configuration page. For instance, I may want a CAPTCHA field for my default corporate DropBox that is listed on my company's website - however, I don't want a CAPTCHA field for user DropBoxes (especially when they are configured to use random strings in the link). Johan Allard July 10, 2011 02:42 I'm really not a fan of Captcha and will look at pretty much every other option before implementing it. Do you actually have a spam problem, or do you want Captcha for if you should get a spam problem in the future? If you look in the dropbox html source at the moment, there's actually a reverse email confirmation to prevent spam. In the source, you can see a email confirmation, that is hidden with CSS. This means that users don't see it and won't fill it in, but spambots will see it and fill it in. If the email confirmation is filled in, the system will prevent the dropbox message. It's also likely that we'll introduce a email feedback loop, similar to the remote email validation that was introduced in v1.6 to ensure that the entered email is actually belonging to the user. Philip Calvert July 10, 2011 23:13 Thanks for the update Johan! It was purely thinking about spam prevention - we don't have a spam problem. I was discussing the Dropbox function with some colleagues and we didn't want to use them until we had spam prevention built in. As spam prevention is already there, we can use the Dropboxes without concern and we don't need the CAPTCHA tool.