Additional Languages

Discussion in 'Translation and Locale Files' started by David, Oct 17, 2016.

  1. David

    David Administrator
    Staff Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    How do I add additional languages (German, French, Italian, ...)?

    LiquidFiles comes with English translation as default. All other translations comes from users such as yourself that want the LiquidFiles appliance in other languages and are willing to share with others.

    It's possible to change all of the language strings that end users sees, and some of the admin language as well. The only language that is installed on default is English, and more language files can be downloaded from here: All of these are contributed by other users such as yourself.

    When you've downloaded any additional language files you want to add, please update them using Admin -> Locales -> upload language file (see screenshot below).


    It's inevitable that the additional language files will become dated as the LiquidFiles appliance adds new features. If you update a language files, or create a new one. Please post it to the forum so that others can benefit, same as you have benefited from what's already there.
    #1 David, Oct 17, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2016

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