Its handy that remote users can self register, but there are many times when this can be abused. One way to cut down on that abuse it to require an admin to activate thatexternal users accounts. This can be an additional layer of security beyond the user clicking on the registration link to activate and should be relatively easy to implement.
Johan Allard May 14, 2013 23:10 Version 2.3 adds a feature where you can enable users to invite other users as an alternative. One of the key architectural decisions with LiquidFiles is that it's supposed to be self administrating. There won't be a feature where administrators will have to approve and deny registrations, or messages. Randall Williams June 06, 2013 22:26 Is there a way to remove the "Invite User" link from the New Message page? Johan Allard June 06, 2013 22:33 Admin -> Groups -> Disable Invite User (it's the last option in v2.3.6). So you can make this available on a per group basis.