Hello! I would like to have possibility to choise in which direct to check files for viruses. For example, I dont need to check outgoing files. Thanks.
Comments Johan Allard LiquidFiles Ok, why? I can't see any benefit of this. Best case is that we catch a virus that has otherwise slipped. Worst case is that we waste a few CPU cycles? Or am I missing something? January 20, 2012, 09:27 Alexander We have an antivirus software on all our corporate computers with very strong policies - why we must to check again the outgoing files on the FileTransfer? I see that clamd process permanently is on the top of CPU processes. In addition, I would like to have possibility to exlude from antivirus checks a certain file formats or extensions. Thanks. January 20, 2012, 17:21 Johan Allard LiquidFiles Fair enough. I'll see what we can do. Come time think of it, one thing that we could do would be to use a cache of already scanned files based on SHA1 hashes. And if a file has already been scanned it wouldn't have to be scanned again. Simple, effective, safe and no configuration necessary January 20, 2012, 18:26 Johan Allard LiquidFiles This was added to 1.7.4. February 21, 2012, 12:33