Browser Support

Discussion in 'LiquidFiles General' started by David, May 30, 2016.

  1. David

    David Administrator
    Staff Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Browser Support
  2. David

    David Administrator
    Staff Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Johan Allard
    For the technically inclined, what probably happened with the 2Gb and 4Gb limit, is that an integer is used to describe the file size and on a 32 Bit computer, that is 32 bits in size. 32 bits can describe 232 = 4 GB. The default in most programming languages is to used signed integers so that means that you can describe the range from -2Gb to +2Gb, or you can use an unsigned integer which then can describe the range from 0 to +4Gb. Internet Explorer 7-8 probably uses signed integers while Microsoft probably have changed to unsigned Integers in IE9 making it work with up to 4Gb files.

    The 4Gb problem is a very common in 32 bit computers ( You can see the same problem with the filesystem FAT32 (4G of 512k blocks of data = max filesize 2Gb). Most FTP applications struggle with sending 4Gb+ of data. A 32 bit computer and operating system can take max 4Gb of RAM. The first couple of releases of the Filetransfer appliance used a Flash based uploader and flash is 32 bit and max filesize 2Gb in all flash applications (likely 32 bit signed integer).

    A good guess would have been that 64 bit versions of IE9 would not have this issue but sadly it does. There's no real explanation for this but tests have shown that it unfortunately doesn't work with sending larger than 4Gb files.

    May 31, 2011, 21:51 edit
    Brent Harding
    Great to know, thank you! I just noticed this on another user's machine who was using IE, glad to know updating to IE 10 will correct this.

    March 6, 2013, 02:46 edit mark as spam
    Volker Schmidt
    Beta Testers
    Thanks for this detailed answer. with this in hand it is clear and easy to explain to other users it is not a limit in liquid files but a limit in the browser chosen.

    December 16, 2013, 22:52 edit mark as spam
    SSI Guy Woolliams

    FYI - I am seeing this in IE 11 (32 and 64 bit versions both tried) (11.0.9600.17501 11.0.15) - File size send limit warning Max Size is 2 GB but same page in Firefox and Chrome says 49 GB.

    March 17, 2015, 05:46 edit mark as spam
    Johan Allard
    If you get a limit of 2Gb in IE10 and IE11, that means that you're running Internet Explorer in compatibility mode. LiquidFiles sends hints that it should be rendered with the latest engine but you can override that if you want. Please make sure that you're not running Internet Explorer in compatibility mode and everything will work as expected.

    March 17, 2015, 08:51 edit
    SSI Guy Woolliams
    Johan, thank you, that did work to correct the issue. (Tools > Compatibility View Settings > Unchecked Display intranet sites in Compatibility View; it was not necessary to uncheck Use Microsoft compatibility lists).

    March 17, 2015, 09:05 edit mark as spam
    need command line sample for windows

    March 18, 2016, 00:56 edit mark as spam
    Johan Allard
    For Windows Command Line please see:

    March 20, 2016, 06:18 edit

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