default email language

Discussion in 'LiquidFiles General' started by alc18, Oct 27, 2018.

  1. alc18

    alc18 New Member

    Oct 24, 2018
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    is it possible to change the email templates to another language? i've installed the german locale and set it as default, which works fine (thanks for providing the translations btw!). my problem is that all the email texts are still in english. do i have to edit the templates myself or did i just miss some magical switch in the admin interface? sorry if that's a stupid question, i'm very new to liquidfiles (but i like it a lot already)..

    any help would be appreciated!

  2. David

    David Administrator
    Staff Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    The texts in the notification emails are not driven by Locales but by Email Templates. We have the templates only in English but if your major language is German you will need to create custom templates and translate all of them to German.

    You can customize each template on "Admin > Configuration > Email Template > Edit" page. Copy the html code under the "html (Default)" tab and paste it under "html" tab, and translate texts. (Similar approach will be for the notifications in the Plain text.)

    Please note:
    When LF server is sending some notification message it uses that templates to all recipients, because there is no way how to recognize that one recipient prefers f.e. German and somebody else English and then serve them the texts in their preferred language.
    If you are going to send also for non-german recipients then a solution is to include also the default English texts or texts in other languages in each template.
  3. alc18

    alc18 New Member

    Oct 24, 2018
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    that's what i thought, i kinda hoped i could slack off and use some premade mail templates :) but no big deal, i'll just type up my own translations then. thanks for your reply!

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