The Filetransfer Appliance will have a block of disclaimer text at the bottom of the main site page. The disclaimer will look something like the following (does not need to be verbatim): "This site is intended for use by Authorized Users only. Any attempt to deny access to, hack into and/or deface this site will result in criminal prosecution under local, state, federal and international law. If you have reached this website in error, please remove yourself by typing the correct URL name of the website intended. We reserve the right to monitor access to/from this website in accordance with the policies set forth by [CompanyName]." This disclaimer text will be editable by the Administrator of the device. The Administrator can optionally choose not to display a disclaimer. This feature will further client confidence in using this system, knowing that there are legal ramifications to those that may seek out data stored on this device.
Comments Ashley Cooke I too would like to request this feature. Whilst I have edited an email template to include the text we require, this does not apply to emails sent using the Outlook plugin. Would be nice I could configure what the Outlook plugin adds to the bottom of emails. Also, I have added a footer image which contains our required disclaimer text, but it would be nice have some configurable text in the footer area of the appliance's web interface. June 22, 2011, 13:01 Johan Allard LiquidFiles