We like the "Download Info" a lot and additional I'd like to know what download (upload) experience the user had. At what speed did the user download? How long did it take? Was a download attempt aborted at ...MB? Related: In the dashboard a graph for the network usage would be much appreciated.
Comments Johan Allard LiquidFiles This was (mostly) added to v2.3.4. Partial downloads are not logged in the download log. And download time and speed has been added. May 27, 2013, 12:02 Volker Schmidt Beta Testers Hi Johan, thanks you so much for implementing the download speed in the download info. The download info in the web page is perfect. In the email recipt is a little typo, it says "Download speed" twice, where online should be "Download Time". Download Speed: 1.2s Download Speed: 2 MB/s Downloaded from: May 27, 2013, 23:28 Johan Allard LiquidFiles Indeed, this will be fixed in the next release May 28, 2013, 06:55 Paul H Wouldn't mind seeing this in the dashboard too along with a graph. Just to see the peak download speeds. June 7, 2013, 17:50