Edit Private Message Login page Text?

Discussion in 'LiquidFiles General' started by Mark Sanchez, Aug 12, 2017.

  1. Mark Sanchez

    Mark Sanchez New Member

    Jun 7, 2017
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    When sending private messages, it has been noted on several occasions that when presented with the “Login” page (see attached), some of our recipients are a bit confused, thinking they need a “password” to proceed. While we do provide clear instruction to each recipient, this has occurred often enough now that we are considering changing the “text” that appears on this page, perhaps updating it to something like:

    You are about to view a Private Message. You need to login before viewing.
    Please enter your email address and click “Authorize”.

    Our concerns are as follows:
    • How would we go about editing this web page? Is it possible?
    • If so, would any such edits be vulnerable to being “reset”, say when an update is implemented via the automatic LF update setting? I suppose that keeping a backup of any markup we add would be advisable.

    Mark Sanchez
    Systems Developer
    SPEC Services, Inc.

    Attached Files:

  2. David

    David Administrator
    Staff Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Safe and officially supported method is to use "Locales". You can change the text in "Admin > Settings > Locales > Edit". Please scroll down and look for "authenticate description" setting. In the 3rd column type your text which will replace the default text "you are about to view...". Keep in mind this page is also used for local users who does have local (or LDAP) account in LF.When some user opens the link to the message he is asked to type his email address, if LF finds him locally or in LDAP then a password box is showed up. Only for unknown external users the authorization email is being sent.
  3. Mark Sanchez

    Mark Sanchez New Member

    Jun 7, 2017
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    That works for us. Thanks!

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