Groups for sending files

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by David, Oct 8, 2016.

  1. David

    David Administrator
    Staff Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Liquid files has Groups for administrative purposes and those work great for that. It would also be very useful to be able to create groups for sharing that could be entered into the To: field or selected somehow from a list. This would great for users who need to share files with a particular group of users on a regular basis. Instead of the need to enter every users email address, every time they need to share files with this group, they would instead be able to select or enter a group name and it would automatically give everyone in that group permissions to the file and notify each user. I could see this easily being a separate option for perhaps called Email Groups or Organizational Groups or anything. It could also pull membership from Active Directory or LDAP, but it would need to work a little different from the current Administrative Groups in LiquidFiles. Users would need to be able to be part of multiple groups. I could see this working as: Setting up groups:rnrnAdditional option in Admin side called something like Email groups or Organizational GroupsrnUses your Active Directory or LDAP information just like the Admin Groups do to pull group information and allow you to create groups for Liquid filesrnUsers can be part of multiple Email groupsrnIt would also be great to give some users or any user not just admin the ability to create new groups local to liquid files that could both pull information from Active directory for users and allow them to enter email address as well.rnrnUsing it:rnrnUser enters the group name in the To: field or selects it from a listrnThe back-end looks up the group and users in the group and uses the same process it does already to give every user in the group permissions to the file and sends them notificationsrnrn
  2. David

    David Administrator
    Staff Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Kurt D September 07, 2016 15:22
    Couldn't you make your own distribution groups in your own email system for this purpose?

    Jessie Twaddle September 07, 2016 15:35

    Yes and we do. I am fine using those, but I want those to be available via autocomplete in the liquidfiles interface so the user doesn't need to go outside of the interface to look them up.
  3. Alan O'Reilly

    Alan O'Reilly New Member

    Mar 6, 2017
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    Hi guys, I think what we are looking for here is an address book that we can add and delete addresses and groups of addresses in. All of the competitors software have this functionality and I feel it is the one thing that holds LiquidFiles back in a busy production environment.
    Please ask for this if you agree.

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