Done Have an api password with a user account

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by David, Oct 8, 2016.

  1. David

    David Administrator
    Staff Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Actually, when you whant to use the filetransfer api, you first need to provide the e-mail and password of the user that will be used with the api. Its not very convinient : - in the calling program, you need to store the password of the user. When the user change its password (especially if filetransfer access is done via remote ldap authentication), the user will hae to also change the password he must use for API :((( What about having a definitive api password associated with each filetransfer user (like in the random dropbox url) , that could avoid to have to change it every time the remote ldap password is changed ?
  2. David

    David Administrator
    Staff Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Johan Allard
    Hi Philippe,

    Absolutely agreed. The next version of the Filetransfer appliance will use a persistent API key instead so that we can fetch the API key once, and only store that on the client side.

    March 6, 2011, 22:04
    Philippe Lizon
    Great to hear that Johan.

    So it will be easier for us to create a zimlet to use filetransfer within Zimbra !!!

    March 7, 2011, 03:51

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