I was reading through the "https://man.liquidfiles.com/general/filedrop_custom_fields.html" page but can't confirm if there is a way to remove or customize the default fields, eg subject, message. I am making a filedrop for clients to upload scanned payment forms and would like to remove OR pre-populate as (readonly) the subject and the also remove the Message area. I don't want people to use the message area to input credit card or other personal info.
It's really flexible, by using custom Javascript box inside the FileDrop settings you can customize or hide the fields or design of the Filedrop. Here is an example of a custom Javascript in a FileDrop which will fill in automatically some text and email address to the Subject, but for users The Subject will be hidden. Also will hide the whole message box. Code: $(function() { $('#message_subject').parent().parent().addClass('hide'); $('#message_email').blur(function() { $('#message_subject').val('Scanned payment from: ' + $('#message_email').val()); }); $('#message_message').parent().parent().addClass('hide'); });