Replacing a file in a File Link

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by RobH, Sep 15, 2018.

  1. RobH

    RobH New Member

    Sep 15, 2018
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    We use WebDL heavily to securely share files with customers. A lot of that use is long term file links where a given file may be shared for years (or that is the plan) and that link is published in documentation.

    Sometimes we need to revise a file that is referred to in a File Link but to do this we have to set up a new File Link which changes the shared file URL and hence makes us find all references to that shared File Link and also update those.

    We'd like to have the option of replacing a file that is shared in a link to avoid all the management of changing the link (change the file, preserve the same file link URL).
  2. David Frasca

    David Frasca New Member

    Sep 28, 2018
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    This feature would be really useful for us as well!

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