Send e-mail only when files are ready for download

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by David, Oct 12, 2016.

  1. David

    David Administrator
    Staff Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    I attached a file, and the recipient received a download notification to download their attachment.

    However, they received a message in red stating: Not ready for download yet

    My request is that recipients only receive the message when files are ready for downloading. My guess for the delay is that the A/V is scanning a huge file (4.1GB archive).
  2. David

    David Administrator
    Staff Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Jw October 29, 2015 14:53
    BIG TIME agree with Michael as one of our main planned uses for Liquidfiles would be to send our large files. 30% of the files we routinely send out range in size from 10 GB to 16 GB and Liquidfiles doesn't even blink at the effort. That's fantastic!

    However, in our testing, the feedback we've received from our clients when they receive an email saying "Please click on the following link to download the attachments:", only to get to the page and see that the files are not actually ready, requiring that they remember to keep hitting refresh to find out when the files are actually ready, is usually negative. Granted this seems an issue only with the larger files.

    If there were an option that we could select when sending a file, that we could select to not send the email until they were all ready that would be great (doubly if this option was available via the API)!

    And, in the spirit of the holidays, if we also had the functionality I wrote about in a suggestion named "file retention and litigation defense purposes", I wouldn't need to ask Santa for anything as you'd have already supplied it!

    Appreciate your consideration!! Keep up the good work!
  3. Alan O'Reilly

    Alan O'Reilly New Member

    Mar 6, 2017
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    Hi we are a new LF user with a lot of experience of file delivery and receipt on various systems. Please look at delaying the email until the file is actually ready to download. Thanks

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