My organization has been using the file transfer appliance now for a few months. Its been working great with very few hiccups. I have a request, however for your upcoming builds. In the message log in the Admin panel, I notices that you cant sort messages by size. This is an important feature, as it would help me find large attachments and remove them if necessary. Thanks.
Comments Johan Allard LiquidFiles This feature was added in version 2.3. May 15, 2013, 07:51 Daniel Sort in v2.3..10 doesn't function correctly. When I first go the Message List, the messages are sorted by Date Sent starting with the Most Recent. When I click "Size" to sort, it will sort from smallest file to largest file. When I click "Size" again, the arrow changes orientation, but the sort is still smallest to largest. The same is true for when I sort by "Download." July 31, 2013, 06:50