Specify a Group of users in the Download Permission drop-down

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by Paul Hirose, Jan 11, 2020.

  1. Paul Hirose

    Paul Hirose New Member

    Jan 10, 2020
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    When creating a Drop, there is a Download Permission dropdown selection that allows for either Recipients only or Recipient and all Local Users. I was wondering if you could add a feature to allow anyone in a specific group to also download it.

    This would allow us to use a central ticketing system that we send the notification to. But anyone in that ticketing system could then download the file. But not *everyone* on my Liquidfiles system could download the file. Admittedly, it's not like people can login and browse-around to see what files are available. But since the ticketing system itself has many many people on it, and many of them are indeed also Liquidfiles Local users, it's *possible* that someone on our ticketing system *could* see that ticket and try to download the file.

    I realize this is partly a ticketing system problem, in that people who shouldn't see that ticket to begin with, still can. But that's a larger problem than I can fix, but the Liquidfiles system is local to my unit.


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