Hi There is some overlap with pools but a very useful request I have been getting is users is theability to log in to a secure web page and see folders of files they have been given access to and be able to download and up load new files the uses I have been asked for are a way for investors (external users)of the company to log in and grab files that they need or that have been update. Outside auditors to log in and down load files that have been added Folders with an Upload folder that external users can add new or updates files back to ( updated forms, signed PDFs . etc. ) apisent.sh api.sh comparepools.sh createfiledrop.php createfiledrop.sh createfiledrop2.sh createuser.sh createuser2.sh deleteatt.sh fdapi.sh filedropsend.sh file.jpg filelinklist.sh filelinkupdate.sh fixdomainidfiledrop.sh forummigrate.sh generatefiles.sh Get-ADGroupNesting.ps1 getficustomer.sh getfile.sh getuserlist.sh hevyload.sh changemail.sh importextusers.sh krane-ddos-script links.php links.sh message.php mysql-export-download-log.sh mysql-export-message-log.sh sendmessage.php sendmessage.sh sendmessage-works.php sendmessage2.php sendmessage2.sh sendprivatemessage.sh sentapi.sh switchtoldap.sh updateuser.sh validate_recip.sh This feature would be equivalent to othervendors like datarooms.com ( virtual Data Rooms http://www.datarooms.com/Default.aspx ) and Citrix File Share ( virtual data rooms https://www.sharefile.com/virtual-data-room ) Thanks Craig