If the FT appliance is placed behind a load balancer or a reverse proxy, all the sessions in syslog file come from one of the load balancers IP. CanX-Forwarded-For http header be used to track the IP of the real client? Tnx Adamo
Comments Johan Allard LiquidFiles Before this is possible, we have to build some protection as well to list hosts to trust the X-Forwarded-For header from. Otherwise it would be easy for someone to bypass say the admin network check by setting x-forwarded-for in the header. January 16, 2012, 06:09 Johan Allard LiquidFiles This feature was added in version 2.2. May 15, 2013, 07:32 Bruce Kneece Any comment as to how this is to be configured? June 14, 2013, 03:23 Johan Allard LiquidFiles http://support.liquidfiles.net/entries/23011487-Reverse-Proxy-Confi... June 14, 2013, 05:48