This example describes how to use User delivery Action Script together with Gdrive tool to copy files from a received message for a specified user. 1) Gdrive tool installation Log in to the LF console as root, download latest gdrive for 64bit linux platform and save in to the /usr/loca/bin folder. Code: curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/gdrive cd /usr/local/bin chmod +x gdrive 2) Authentication with your google drive account (important) Run the gdrive tool from the shell as "_actionscript" user and open the URL the tool will display in a browser. Finally paste the returned unique code back in the cmd line. Code: sudo -u _actionscript /usr/local/bin/gdrive list Authentication needed Go to the following url in your browser: Enter verification code: a/b/c/d/1/2/3/.... 3) Action Script Create your Action script named i.e. "copy_to_gdrive.rb" in "Admin > Configuration > Action Scripts > Add" settings. Code: #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'json' #read message data message_data = JSON.parse([0])) #parse attachments message_data["message"]["attachments"].map { |a| file=a["system_file"] #copy files one by one to gdrive result=%x{ /usr/local/bin/gdrive upload "#{file}" } #log details to the activity logs %x{ logger -p -t copy_to_gdrive "#{result}" } } 4) Script Assignment Assign that script to the required user with the "Action" switch in the profile in "Admin > Users > Edit". 5) Testing Log in as some another user and send a Secure message with test files to the user with the script. After a while after the message is received the files should appear in the gdrive.